Sunday, May 31, 2009

Once You Get Used To It

Once you get used to it, it is delicious! (A quote I just heard on the Food Channel). Hmmmm. I always thought the concept of something being delicious bowls over your taste buds, not as something that "grows" on you. As I heard this quote utter from the lips of a iron chef judge, I paused. Maybe stages of life can be this way? I am at a crossroads in my personal life. June 1st marks a new start in my life. I am faced with underemployment. A career change is mandated. I have spent the last 17 years pouring myself into a career that has been filled with adventure, risk, challenge, disappointment and lots of joy. Yet those past 17 years in hindsight feel so safe and predictable. Crazy, because I KNOW it has been anything but! So I head in a new direction, it's scary - I find I crave nothing safe, I need to risk, to explore the dreams I have yet to accomplish. And...I am hoping once I get used to this new direction in life, it will be delicious.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Delisa,
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    Kind Regards,
